*student under supervision of Dr. Zalewski
Martin, C. G., *Everett, Y., Skowron, E. A., & Zalewski, M. (2019). The Role of Caregiver Psychopathology in the Treatment of Childhood Trauma with Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: A Systematic Review. Clinical child and family psychology review, 1-17.
Zalewski, M., *Musser, N., *Binion, G., *Lewis, J. K., & *O’Brien, J. R. (2019). Relations of Maternal Borderline Personality Disorder Features With Preschooler Executive Functioning and Theory of Mind. Journal of personality disorders, 1-12.
Hackman, D. A., *O’Brien, J. R., & Zalewski, M. (2018). Enduring association between parenting and cortisol: A meta‐analysis. Child development, 89(5), 1485-1503.
*Musser, N., Zalewski, M., Stepp, S., & *Lewis, J. (2018). A systematic review of negative parenting practices predicting borderline personality disorder: Are we measuring biosocial theory’s ‘invalidating environment’?. Clinical psychology review.
Martin, C. G., Zalewski, M., *Binion, G., & *O’Brien, J. (2018). Operant Reinforcement and Development of Emotion Dysregulation. In The Oxford Handbook of Emotion Dysregulation.
Zalewski, M., *Lewis, J. K., Gamache-Martin, C. (2018). Identifying novel applications of dialectical behavior therapy: Considering emotion regulation and parenting. Current Opinion in Psychology, 21.
Zalewski, M., Thompson, S. F., & Lengua, L. J. (2017). Parenting as a moderator of the effects of maternal depressive symptoms on preadolescent adjustment. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 46(4), 563-572.
Zalewski, M., Goodman, S. H., Cole, P. M., & McLaughlin, K. A. (2017). Clinical Considerations When Treating Adults Who Are Parents. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice.
*Binion, G., & Zalewski, M. (2017). Maternal Emotion Dysregulation and the Functional Organization of Preschoolers’ Emotional Expressions and Regulatory Behaviors.
Scott, L. N., Zalewski, M., Beeney, J. E., Jones, N. P., & Stepp, S. D. (2017). Pupillary and affective responses to maternal feedback and the development of borderline personality disorder symptoms. Development and psychopathology, 29(3), 1089-1104.
Wright, A. G., Zalewski, M., Hallquist, M. N., Hipwell, A. E., & Stepp, S. D. (2016). Developmental trajectories of borderline personality disorder symptoms and psychosocial functioning in adolescence. Journal of personality disorders, 30(3), 351-372.
Zalewski, M., Lengua, L. J., Thompson, S. F., & Kiff, C. J. (2016). Income, cumulative risk, and longitudinal profiles of hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis activity in preschool-age children. Development and psychopathology, 28(2), 341-353.
Beauchaine, T. P., & Zalewski, M. (2016). Physiological and developmental mechanisms of emotional lability in coercive relationships. The Oxford handbook of coercive relationship dynamics, 39-52.
Klein, M.R., Lengua, L.J., Thompson, S. F., Moran, L. Ruberry, E. Kiff, C.J., Zalewski, M. (2016). Bidirectional relations between temperament and parenting predicting preschool-age children’s adjustment. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 1-14.
*Martin, C.G., *Roos, L. E, Zalewski, M., & *Cummins, N. (2016). A dialectical behavior therapy skills group case study on mothers with severe emotion dysregulation. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice.
Moran, L., Lengua, L. J., Zalewski, M., Ruberry, E., Klein, M., Thompson, S., & Kiff, C.J. (2016). Variable- and person-centered approaches to examining temperament vulnerability and resilience to the effects of contextual risk. Journal of Research in Personality.
Lengua, L. J., Moran, L., Zalewski, M., Ruberry, E., Kiff, C., & Thompson, S. (2015). Relations of growth in effortful control to family income, cumulative risk, and adjustment in preschool-age children. Journal of abnormal child psychology, 43(4), 705-720.
Zalewski, M., Stepp, S. D., Whalen, D. J., & Scott, L. N. (2015). A Qualitative Assessment of the Parenting Challenges and Treatment Needs of Mothers with Borderline Personality Disorder. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 25(2), 71–89.
Wright, A. C. G., Zalewski, M., Hallquist, M. N., Hipwell, A. E., & Stepp, S.D. (2015). Developmental trajectories of borderline personality disorder symptoms and psychosocial functioning in adolescence. Journal of Personality Disorders, 29, 1-21. (contributed equally to this manuscript)
Zalewski, M., Lengua, L.J., & Thompson, S.F. (2015). Parenting as a moderator of the effects of maternal depressive symptoms on preadolescent adjustment. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology.
Thompson, S. F., Zalewski, M., & Lengua, L. J. (2014). Appraisal and coping styles account for the effects of temperament on pre‐adolescent adjustment. Australian journal of psychology, 66(2), 122-129.
Zalewski, M., Stepp, S. D., Scott, L. N., Whalen, D. J., Beeney, J. F., & Hipwell, A. E. (2014). Maternal borderline personality disorder symptoms and parenting of adolescent daughters. Journal of personality disorders, 28(4), 541-554.
Stepp, S. D., Whalen, D. J., Scott, L. N., Zalewski, M., Loeber, R., & Hipwell, A. E. (2014). Reciprocal effects of parenting and borderline personality disorder symptoms in adolescent girls. Development and Psychopathology, 26(2), 361-378.
Lengua, L. J., Kiff, C., Moran, L., Zalewski, M., Thompson, S., Cortes, R., & Ruberry, E. (2014). Parenting mediates the effects of income and cumulative risk on the development of effortful control. Social Development, 23(3), 631-649.
Lengua, L. J., Zalewski, M., Fisher, P., & Moran, L. (2013). Does HPA‐Axis Dysregulation Account for the Effects of Income on Effortful Control and Adjustment in Preschool Children?. Infant and child development, 22(5), 439-458.
Thompson, S. F., Lengua, L. J., Zalewski, M., & Moran, L. (2013). Income and the development of effortful control as predictors of teacher reports of preschool adjustment. Early childhood research quarterly, 28(4), 784-793.
Scott, L. N., Whalen, D. J., Zalewski, M., Beeney, J. E., Pilkonis, P. A., Hipwell, A. E., & Stepp, S. D. (2013). Predictors and consequences of developmental changes in adolescent girls’ self-reported quality of attachment to their primary caregiver. Journal of adolescence, 36(5), 797-806.
Zalewski, M., Cyranowski, J. M., Cheng, Y., & Swartz, H. A. (2013). Role of maternal childhood trauma on parenting among depressed mothers of psychiatrically ill children. Depression and anxiety, 30(9), 792-799.
Moran, L. R., Lengua, L. J., & Zalewski, M. (2013). The interaction between negative emotionality and effortful control in early social‐emotional development. Social Development, 22(2), 340-362.
Zalewski, M. (2013). Bi-directional growth of effortful control and respiratory sinus arrhythmia and their relation to adjustment in preschool age children (Doctoral dissertation).
Zalewski, M., & Lengua, L. J. (2012). Extending research on parenting in mothers diagnosed with BPD: commentary on Stepp et al.
Zalewski, M., Lengua, L. J., Fisher, P. A., Trancik, A., Bush, N. R., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2012). Poverty and single parenting: Relations with preschoolers’ cortisol and effortful control. Infant and Child Development, 21(5), 537-554.
Zalewski, M., Lengua, L. J., Kiff, C. J., & Fisher, P. A. (2012). Understanding the relation of low income to HPA-axis functioning in preschool children: cumulative family risk and parenting as pathways to disruptions in cortisol. Child Psychiatry & Human Development, 43(6), 924-942.
Zalewski, M., Lengua, L. J., Wilson, A. C., Trancik, A., & Bazinet, A. (2011). Emotion regulation profiles, temperament, and adjustment problems in preadolescents. Child development, 82(3), 951-966.
Bricker, J. B., Rajan, K. B., Zalewski, M., Andersen, M. R., Ramey, M., & Peterson, A. V. (2009). Psychological and social risk factors in adolescent smoking transitions: a population-based longitudinal study. Health Psychology, 28(4), 439.
Beauchaine, T. P., Neuhaus, E., Zalewski, M., Crowell, S. E., & Potapova, N. (2011). The effects of allostatic load on neural systems subserving motivation, mood regulation, and social affiliation. Development and Psychopathology, 23(4), 975-999.
Dennis, T. A., Cole, P. M., Wiggins, C. N., Cohen, L. H., & Zalewski, M. (2009). The functional organization of preschool-age children’s emotion expressions and actions in challenging situations. Emotion, 9(4), 520.
Kiff, C. J. Lengua, L. J., & Zalewski, M. (2011). Nature and nurture: parenting in the context of child temperament individual differences. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 14, 251-301.
Zalewski, M., Lengua, L. J., Long, A. C., Bazinet, A. & Trancik, A. (2011). Coping and appraisal styles predict emotion regulation during pre-adolescence. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 110(2), 141-158.